Cyber Terra

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Welcome to a recycled world that has eaten itself whole.  Humans, having effectively exhausted the earth's resources over 100 years ago, have been mining and farming the moon, Mars, the asteroid belt, and the moons of Jupiter for additional resources and living space.

Massive, towering super-cities surround the Space-Train Star Elevators, the only safe access to the orbiting space stations, called megapolises.  There are only fourteen megapolises on Earth. Justice is swift, strict and brutal in the megapolises, but is lawless and desolate within the Sprawls.

Society is split into two groups: Neo-tech society and Rus-tech society.  Neo-techs are the elitist caste who reside in the glimmering miles-high towers of the megapolises, on the space stations, and are the pioneers of the off-world colonies.  They live in luxury, literally on the foundations and the backs of the rus-techs.  Neo-techs utilize bio-synth technology (cloning) for organ banking, genetic testing, and other more "personable" servitudes.

Rus-Techs live in the bowels of the megapolises and in clans among the Sprawls, the desolate plains of dilapidated structures between the megapolises.  They cannibalize whatever tech they can steal or recycle from "above" to maintain their infrastructure, and keep the auto-mechs operating. they eat recycled food, drink recycled water, and live recycled lives.  The only thing Rus-Techs have that Neo-techs don't is Linq, an interactive narcotic software that the Rus-techs use to better for fresh food, water, and tech.

Some rus-techs will sell all or parts of their bodies to eccentric neo-tech brokers for harvesting, receiving auto-mech (cyborg) replacements in exchange.  Rus-techs unfortunate enough to lose parts of their body usually resort to auto-mech technology, as organ banking is far too expensive.

In this class struggle, an emerging third class has gone unnoticed... the cyber-terrans.  Cyber-terrans are artificially intelligent bio-synths integrated with auto-mech technology.  Neo-Techs fear them... Rus-Techs are envious of them, but their is a select group of individuals who see them as a new hope for a convoluted, recycled existence.  This is the story of their adventures to defend them.


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As the earth's ecosystem began to deteriorate, there was a renewed interest in off-world colonization, fueled primarily by the rich and powerful.  Thus came the advent of the Star Elevator, giant conveyor systems anchored off-shore to an orbiting satellite above, allowing for cheap and clean off-planet shipping and transport into orbit.  In space, many automated manufacturing processes could be performed without fear of polluting other resources on earth.

As space manufacturing became popular, hordes of people raced to the star elevators, where much of the menial labor was now taking place.  Premium accommodations were offered in the miles-high structures, while the less fortunate lived at ground level, where it was polluted, crime-ridden, and militaristically disciplined by the police force.





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